Sunday, May 4, 2008

A man walks into a restroom

So I came across a blog discussing bathroom etiquette. The whole thesis of the article was about given the option of three unoccupied urinals which would you choose? The very act of choosing a urinal has been a dilemma for many a man for centuries, but in light of this article I really must say that the decision is a no brainier - always choose the middle.

As this blog pointed out by choosing the middle urinal you are letting every male who comes into the bathroom after you that you are "King" and that for all he is concerned the two remaining urinals are not available for no other reason that bathroom protocol which stipulates - and which may go against the thesis in this bathroom wall etiquette blog entry - that at no time shall one man ever - EVER! - use a urinal next to another that is occupied. In the three urinal system - which is most common - this means that at any one time one, and only one, urinal can be in use. If, on the off chance, that someone decides to use one of the urinals while you are there this may be seen as "suspicious," and indicates one of two things:

1)You may have a Larry Craig situation on your hands, in which case you need to finish up and get the hell out of there as quick as possible - don't bother washing your hands.

2)The other guy must have to pee real bad and while he will look like a big pussy in the eyes of the world for braking bathroom procedural rules anyone, including myself, will not look down to harshly on him. I have had too pee real bad at times too and could not wait.

It is because of this dilemma that I have decided that action needs to be taken and is why I have made this blog entry to notify my devout followers out there that I plan on writing my State Governor and demanding that all bathrooms have at least four stalls available at all times. In this manner, at least, two men will be able to use the restroom at any given time and this will also remove the "Kings Urinal" scenario eliminating some of the uneasy men bathroom stress.

I have yet to write this letter but when I do I will post it for all to see and peruse. Until then. . .

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